It was the perfect day to take it, too: the morning after the conclusion of the second Ashes Test (at Lord's) - which, of course, should have been the last day of that test, but for England having wrapped things up in the final over of the fourth day. So it was great to enjoy some post-Test Match banter with two legends of the great game - and I feel that I hardly need identify these two living legends, former England and Essex captain Keith Fletcher on the left and Mikey Holding, arguably at one time the best bowler in the world, on the right. We're lucky with the characters into whom we bump on the Heath, and these are two of the best.

I won't put up a picture taken in the rain (in fact, I didn't take any that lot as wisely I'd left my camera in the house, which was good as it might have been irreparably damaged by getting saturated) but the previous paragraph shows the view as Grand Liaison and Ethics Girl, with Terri and Iva, set off for the last lot of the day. The rain had stopped, the sun was coming out - and our bloody moat, which we have to tolerate for all autumn, winter and spring, had returned! But at least the weather was good for that lot, which was good as Barrie Catchpole and Mike Meaney had come to see Grand Liaison, and we wouldn't have wanted to be standing up on the Heath in the rain waiting for them to appear around Side Hill (as shown here, with Grand Liaison on the lead).
Anyway, I'll just end with an interesting observation. Today is the 23rd July and we haven't had a runner this month yet, which is remarkable as it should be the busiest month of the year. Our most recent runners (Ethics Girl and Gift Of Silence at Carlisle) were on 26th June, so things are a bit quiet, with a few horses avoiding the firm ground and the odd one having a rest. But, as I was reminded today when reviewing the fortunes of my XII to Follow, we, with our handful of horses in training (10 at present, which includes ones who are only in slow work) aren't having things unduly quiet, but are merely a representative subsection of the bigger picture.
Take my XII To Follow (which is actually quite a good list and is about a third of the way down the league). During July these twelve high-class horses (eight of whom - Battle Of Marengo, Camelot, Dawn Approach, Leitir Mor, Olympic Glory, St Nicholas Abbey, Toronado and Wise Dan - have won during the term of the competition, which began with the start of the Craven Meeting in mid-April) have accrued one third place (Leitir Mor, third to Darwin and Gordon Lord Byron in the The Minstrel Stakes at the Curragh on the Saturday) between them, while two of them (Moth - broken leg on the Ballydoyle gallops, retired to stud; St Nicholas Abbey - broken leg on Ballydoyle gallops, racing career over with future worryingly up in the air at present as he awaits surgery tomorrow) have suffered career-ending breakdowns.

Ah well, we won't worry about that - especially not when the weather's lovely. Final three photographs taken two days ago (Sunday, another lovely day after an overcast start) by the way, with Ethics Girl standing tall and Roy putting himself to bed to keep himself fresh for his race at Yarmouth on Thursday.
1 comment:
Quick Michael Holding tale several years ago when MH was at Derbyshire they played Cheshire in the then Gilette Cup myself and several mates all of us who played to a reasonable level and were mates with a lot of the then Cheshire side went to the game and were going onto a Chester night meeting
MH on seeing my racing bins enquires of me where the local bookies -pre mobile days- was as Michael (now Sir M) had one running in the maiden which he wanted to back armed withe news
At the next break the great man disappeared from the ground .About 10 or so years later I am on holiday in Jamaica and a friend who lives there gets us tickets for a dinner where the great man is guest speaker post speeches I am introduced and MH says mucuh to my shock I recognize your face I regalle above tale he looks quizzical and says you know man I am sure that ××××××××× lost
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